Those of us in Scotland for the Golfweek raters' trip in 2007 enjoyed a nice reception one evening in this flat. Wonderful views over the 18th green, as one would imagine. Very nicely appointed inside, but not extravagent. Interesting that they're selling the property, as the investors' original plans in 2007 were to sell fractional 12 fractional ownerships of 4 weeks a year. It was going to be two peak weeks, two off-peak weeks, with the weeks rotating yearly. During the Open Championship, no overnight lodging was permitted, but all of the fractional owners and guests could use the property as a hospitality suite, so to speak.
While you can get a nice view from the upstairs balcony from their website at, you can also see an archived version of their old website (circa 2008 via the Wayback Machine) at which gives some details on the original fractional ownership plans.