Respectfully even with your organising powers you aren't going to get people to schedule it in and commit with 3 months notice over Christmas. Dates and costs will need to be fixed 9 months in advance for people to commit.
Perhaps I worded the OP a touch poorly in that regard (the editor needs and editor!). By all means I intend to have pricing and details available very soon. I wasn’t intending to leave it hanging until I got home, I just thought the last-minute stuff could do with me actually being in the country, but with the amount of support I have had from GCAers offering to help out, that may not be the case.
One final word. To all those saying "I'm only coming if it includes X, Y or Z": here's an offer from someone to organise a great event. Of course you want to play some other great courses. It's bloody cheeky to expect Scott (or any other Aussie contributor) to sort that out for you. Just as we do with pre/post BUDA golf, commit to the event and sort out the add-ons yourself. I'm sure there'll be some help available.
Indeed, though I can see that those people are probably just being honest that if they fly that far they will want to play RM, Kingston Heath etc. The good news, as Philip pointed out, is that Aussie clubs are much like their UK brethren in that access can generally be arranged, albeit sometimes at a sizeable price.
Many GCAers have already made contact to say they would be happy to try to arrange some access to their clubs and while I won’t name the individuals or clubs (it is up to them if they wish to do so publicly), there are some fantastic “Bucket List” venues among them.
I am quite sure anyone who makes the effort to get to this event will be satisfied with the courses they are given the opportunity to see within the Main Event itself, through extra days organsed by GCAers and also through their own initiative making calls and sending emails to clubs.
As it is, many of the Aussies familiar with both the Sandbelt and Barnbougle have strongly supported Barnbougle as being preferable for an event such as this. I’ll keep taking advice on board in that regard.