Alone, I can do very little, but if bring the matter to every ones attention and question not just the cart but worse still the cart tracks, perhaps a few at a time will start to re think their game, perhaps not.
I fear as more die from being out of condition and overweight from lack of exercise or due medical conditions (as I am only to painfully aware), the message may hit home. I have always been interested in preventive action to save lives. Riding is NOT GOOD FOR YOU, after all, you drive to the course, so the body needs exercise to keep itself in tune. That exercise also helps to
de-stress and detox the body helping the individual to hopefully live longer.
You and your fellow golfers are the only ones who can decide. I hope by saying that you are getting back to playing real golf, may persuade some that their life is perhaps rather important to other members of their family. So keep living, Walk when playing golf, it certainly worked well for Old Tom.