Come to think of it, you have a point. You just cant trust architects these days, just look what they have done to the good honest golf course.

Island Greens or Greens with water around them - boy that took some design initiative and really taxed the old grey cells.

Cart Tracks more time appears to have been spent designing these abominations than perhaps on the whole course.

Long tracks between Greens & Tees, some nearly matching the length of the hole one is about to play and what an interesting journey on the eye, allowing the golfer full access to the glory and beauty of the golf course.

Design features and some get paid for leaving a course looking like that. Real design intent, oh yes pull the other one, not one of these in my book adds to the enjoyment of the game of Golf.

Of course Brian, I know you would never ever dream of committing any of the above crimes against golf or golfers.

Is there any truth in the rumour that a Spanish club is considering replacing carts with an ex-Disneyland Mono-Rail system with individual cars to carry 4 golfers and their bags to help speed up the game. Of course, it means that they expect every golfer to land in the same area as the rest of his friends, well if they can do that on an Island Green why not on the Fairway, seems to be the thought behind the idea. Well at least it proves that some architects do have some ideas at times.

Of course I jest, but by providing a service people will use it. The interesting thing would be not to provide it and just watch and learn. That will I know not happen but it would be a worthwhile study IMHO.
