For that level player, is it fair to give them 20 yards of roll on their tee shot if the ground had remained firm? It is a bit uphill at that point...
From 20 yards closer than you saw them, what club are they hitting? Could they have help the green with that club?
If you were coaching...and the ground was really firm...and the pin was hard in that back left corner...would it make sense to suggest to these guys to play the hole as a three shotter (FROM THE TEE) for their best chance to make a 4?
In other words, is there a spot deep up in the right corner of the lay up area that opens up the back left pin enough to make that approach easier than the pitch/bunker shot if they miss the green with a long second shot? AND, if so, is the risk of finding that lay up area along Ardmore Ave. worth the reward of an easier wedge shot when compared to the risk / reward of going after the green in two with a club that likely will not hold the green?
Hope that was clear, but ask away about anything I just said...