About four years ago my wife and I switched to a raw food diet (totally vegan, no sugar, and eat 85% of your food raw) to treat her diagnosis of breast cancer. We did it hard core for a year. At the same time I started an exercise program called urban rebounding. Basically you jump on a mini trampoline doing various moves. There's an easy level to start and much harder one after you've mastered the easy one. After the cardio work, the video puts you through various crunches and the higher level one adds in lunges, push ups and dips. The combination of the two caused me to lose 30-35 pounds in short order. It made walking my extremely difficult to walk home course a breeze to walk. The rebounding dramatically improved the balance in my golf swing as it works your core muscles the entire time. My golf game was never better. My handicap went from 1 to +4, which is an astronomical improvement. Of course, these changes weren't the sole reason for my handicapping improving. I also started playing a whole lot more. I've since fallen off the diet as it is very hard to do when traveling for work. However, I still try to eat vegetarian as much as possible. I still do the rebounding. It is way more enjoyable than jogging. And, because you are on a trampoline there is no stress on your knees, ankles, or shins like with jogging. Without the healthy eating though i've added a few pounds around the midsection and can't seem to get one particular move in my golf swing back because of it.