Pebble...Bandon....or Sea Island...well SI is only 3,000+ miles away.
The cost of the later 2 is probably comparable but the accommodations are not; The Lodge at Sea Island is spectacular and probably one of the top 5 places to stay in the US; the golf at Bandon is also not comparable to SI; I have yet to go but I am sure given the 3.5 courses at BD it is not in the same league as SI.
If you are going to SI I would play 54 a day at Seaside and never tire of it; it is in my personal Top 5; I LOVE it. How it does not get more respect by GD I will never understand, especially since Ocean Forest does. The scenery, the strategy, the green complexes, the firm turf, the options off each tee, the bunkering, the short green to tee walks, etc....the list goes on. .... By the way if you can't tell I am a big fan of Seaside.
IMO Seaside is Pebble Beach and the other 2 courses are Poppy Hills (not Spyglass unfortunately); why play Poppy unless you for some reason (cost) can't play Pebble again and again.
I have played one of those courses but is was long before I was a "golfer". I do remember The Cloister being less than what I expected. In my opinion for the price Bandon and Pebble would give you more experience for the same price. Just speaking from experience and not being disrespectful to Sea Island but there is better golf for the same money in the US.