There's another facet of F&F conditions at Hidden Creek that I like.
One of the things I LOVE about golf in the UK is the feeding nature of the fairways.
Balls are directed INTO the bunkers and trouble.
Here, in the U.S. clubs have created buffers of rough to prevent balls from entering the bunkers.
Those buffers were mostly MEMBERSHIP created, probably in the name of fairness.
The right side bunker on the second hole at Hidden Creek is a perfect example of a fairway feeding a bunker.
I hit a good drive, a little more right than I wanted.
The other players said, "great drive".
I said, "nope, I'm fuked, it's in the bunker."
They said, "it's in the right side of the fairway"
I said, "nope, I'm fuked, it's in the bunker"
When we got to the DZ my ball wasn't in the fairway, it had been fed 10-15 yards into the right side bunker.
While I only had 100 or so yards, I was now on the defensive instead of being on the offensive.
I love that feature.
I love fairway contours and bunker surrounds that feed and collect golf balls, especially running golf balls.
I love features that deflect marginal shots instead of having them plug close to the green.
We need more Hidden Creeks.