Late night post really can take on a different tone

Mine do...
I really don't disagree with most of your argument above. Myself, like you, wanted to get in at an early age. Now, I am not arguing because I want to get in anymore. The "dumb down" explained it for me....I would have definitely brought that number a little lower

Ya'll could have just told me that.....I feel for Larry the Cable Guy everyday....dummy
The only issue I really argue with is your ETHICS line say...
"Ethics - Nope, too subjective. Even if people call in from all over the country to tell us an applicant uses fraudulent or unethical practices, we shouldn't consider that, because that would be a subjective and unfair peer review. NO you should not necessarily consider that... I think it fine if you have parameters and consider why...and how....and who....
The best example I know is to use NCAA football coaches- Tuberville leaves Miss St and goes to Auburn- the Miss St fans all of a sudden hate the guy....oh man his recruiting at AU is bad...all kinds of stuff.....reality...there ain't nothing wrong with the guy...
Saban goes to Alabama and LSU can do nothing but slam the guy .....list goes on....and these so called incidents from people "all over the country" but the truth is most of the people saying this stuff don't even know the guys..and also if they were that "unethical" they would not be staying in the profession. So it's all a matter of where you get information and how accurate that information is.
I know that for instance in my interview I saw an excerpt form a letter..." Mike had a chance to WOW the committee but he stonk up the interview" I agree BUT I was not ever there to WOW a committee. They had my information. AND then later you hear " he's holding something back, I know it".....that's real good....if i was holding anything back that was any different form the other members I wouldn't be on an internet site talking about this stuff.... and then someone says they "have never seen an app gone over like this one" hel I probably ought to be in Jail

But ethics.....who is the evaluator....if you walk into a room and one of the iterviewers is a guy who had come onto one of your projects and taken a contract while you were still involved....(now this was because he was friends with a new golf pro that claimed he did not realze we had a continuing Masterplan on the ground and working)...I think that is your
Ethic # 9- Members shall not attempt to obtain or offer to undertake any commission that they know is already under a legitimate contract or agreement with another golf course architect. BUT he should have called when he found out..yet it was me that wrote him a letter and said I would be glad to step aside if the client wished....And another sitting their had recently sent an email telling a client that he was the only architect"certified" by ASGCA to do such a restoration..and the rest of the guys in town were a bunch of "Jack-legs".( I think that takes ethics# 4,5,6 and 8 all in one package.

I know it's just business banter but don't use it just when it fits....
And don't allow plays on words to have so much weight....such as " have you ever been involved in a lawsuit"....that's a loaded question...if you were the architect on a job for a city that required a recreation bond issued...then you were involved in a lawsuit..because each bond issuance has to go before the judge as a suit....or you might have had a divorce....or you may have bought a Dell computer and been in a class action.... so if you answer as " I don't think so" instead of yes or no....are you holding something back? No ..Now, if the question was have you ever been in a lawsuit over design techncalities and you had been sued for greens construction or drainage or something then you can answer yes or no.....But most of us would hedge ourselves on the first question if you sense the guys asking it have an agenda ( whether they do or not)....
And also when you bring into account "people from all over the country" for a candidate.....who are these people.... DO THEY HAVE TRUE DIRECT KNOWLEDGE? let me ask a simple question....doesn't it seem that one would value the opinions, letters and interviews of appointed evalautors with an owner much more than gossip? And if they are so confident in the so-called "people from all over the country"...why don't they confront the candidate with the concern directly and hear another side...GET YOUR ETHICS QUESTIONS ANSWERED FROM OWNERS
Some situations where "people from all over the country" may be biased....
A golf professional or management company person has used two prominent ASGCA "signature" architects in the past and he is doing a job with one of us "I am not worthy

" types....let's just say something happens for the company to no longer be on the project( you know other wife porking and stuff) you have an issue with the guy and that guy tells his two ASGCA buddies how bad you are.....weigh it( of there will be two sides) DO YOU COUNT HIM
I have seen a contractor tell a client that he will not work for one of us "I am not worthy" types because we are not understand this was all a roll of the dice for this particular contractor because he was working to make sure his ASGCA contact got the job with you get the job and the contractor comes kissing..and you have your own guys.....DO YOU COUNT HIM?
Or what about the contractors where you have approved less payment than they requested or other issues....they don't walk away on your side...
All of the above is how crap gets started and myself....I usually take it with a grain of salt because I have heard it about everyone in the business whether ASGCA or not....
And so trust me...i am not sitting here begging to get into ASGCA....been there and done that....I am bitching because of " what they say when they don't say".....their basic language in type denigrates outsiders which in itself is a violation of their ethics#8....
And I am not intimidated by ASGCA members work vs. my own....
You see you have to expect such bitching when someone passes all the written requirements ,,,,because what you say by not saying is that that person ethics are worse than 180 other members....I call pure all of that is fine if you are a fraternity..but all this promotion is done as " for the good of golf" yada yada the public doesn't see ASGCA as a frat....
got to go play golf now but give you two thoughts before I get back on here later....
...if Tom Doak had not done Pacific Dunes and other prominent courses after writing the Confidential you think guys would be trying to get him in? HELL NO
and, with all due respect for associates ad their you think you can really be the architect of a project as an EMPLOYEE and not the owner of the firm? I don't.....
And finally...again...none of this is personal with ASGCA member mentioned above....the one's that give me a hassle don't even now me....I just think it is petty frat type stuff.....
Rodney King....oops I mean Mike " why can't we all just get along"