How about 5% Wonderful , 10% Very Good , 70% Good , 10% Need Impv , 5% Terrible.
Having been involved in the development side of a few courses and the operational side of a bunch , I'm always impressed by the way Architects , Engineers , Shapers and Superintendents overcome significant challenges. Sometimes it's really easy to throw rocks at the team's work , but when you see the obstacles that were overcome you cut them some slack.
Speaking of terrible , about 20 yrs ago , I took over a course that had been voted worst golf course in America , it really was awful and we made it worse by rebuilding much of the course without closing holes ... Funny thing , during construction , we did 10,000 rounds one month. We gave the golfers a great deal , asked them to excuse the noise from the dozers and they loved seeing their old course getting fixed up. The new course really was not that great , but it served it's purpose and golfers still get their fix there.