Sorry Doug, didn't see the question, so here goes: we are drawing from all over really. I had a couple there yesterday who saw Matt Ginella's article in Golf Digest and came from Maryland on a golfing venture through the Midwest. Indy, Cincinnatti, and Chicago would be the top 3 so far, but the course has had less than 700 rounds since May so I really don't have a good guage as to the strongest, but those would be the most noted.
Of course our goal is not to have a lot of rounds, in fact, as I said the dozen or so a day average is about what we expected, and 30 rounds a day is our goal. It is definitely not a scramble or outing course, so you won't see many of those. we want the course to be a pure, and very private golf experience.
We realize it is not for everyone, but for those who have played it and PAID the price, it has been a special experience.
Would ownership have invested $25,000,000+ in a golf course in this economy and expected to make profit.....the answer, of course, is no. Golf Courses are struggling all over the country, even those with no debt service, so this course was not built with that purpose in mind. It is built to establish French Lick as America's newest golf destination. If our Hotels and Resort don't do well, golf is immateriial anyway. With Donald Ross, Tom Bendelow, and Pete Dye designs scattered about the property all within a couple of miles of each other, we feel we have a good shot at it. Our owner, Mr. William A. Cook, has spent over $600 million dollars restoring this property and I am thankful that golf has been viewed as an important part of that. If you research Mr. Cook, you will find that this is more a labor of love and his gift to the community rather than something that has to make a lot of money.
I appreciate the comments from everyone and also appreciate the opportunity to respond and add to the conversation.