I had started a thread on Galen Hall, and realized that a good amount of content was being generated by the 2nd hole by itself. Content worth of a thread.
With photos from Prof. Joe Bausch:
Few are the truly unique holes in the world. This is one of them. It is extremely likely that the golfer facing the 2nd hole at Galen Hall will face:
A shot never conceived by that golfer before
The possibility of Eagle or Double Par hanging on the success/decision of the 2nd shot
Aiming almost 45 degrees away from the flag on the second or even third shots.
A completely blind tee shot over the crest of the mountain stands before the golfer on the tee, with a guide flag and a bunker a little too far right (seemingly) of the intended line of play. The bunker should be heeded, not for the hazard it presents, but for the suggestion of going right. There's room left, a little too much perhaps. Surely, the straight line to the flag wouldn't go unguarded...
We reach the top of the hill and...