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Michael Whitaker

Gleneagles for £75!
« on: June 09, 2009, 12:37:30 PM »

Great bargain!

Play Gleneagles from 2pm Sunday-Thursday for only £299 per foursome:£299

"Solving the paradox of proportionality is the heart of golf architecture."  - Tom Doak (11/20/05)


Re: Gleneagles for £75!
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 12:55:49 PM »
Michael -

I am just back from 4 weeks in Dornoch. If what I saw there any indication of the bigger picture (and I suspect it is), I expect golf tourism in GB&I will take a MAJOR hit this year. It would not surprise me if visitor green fee revenues at the various high-end clubs & daily fee courses/resorts decline anywhere from 20% to 40% from where they were a year or two ago. The lesser and more local courses, that do not get as much green fee revenue from visiting Americans, will likely not take as big a hit.   

There will likely be many more package deals like this one and two-for-one coupons available as the summer progresses. The global economic slump is for real and golf is not immune from it.


Michael Whitaker

Re: Gleneagles for £75!
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2009, 01:05:51 PM »
David - we should have a thread on this site that keeps track of great UK golf bargains... it would be a terrific service to offer the participants here. Perhaps someone would volunteer to set up a Google spreadsheet (or something similar) to collect submissions from the crew. I know we have a lot of folks on this site duplicating each other's efforts in researching bargains... posting our findings in one central location seems like a good idea to me. We could help each other keep track of open competitions.
"Solving the paradox of proportionality is the heart of golf architecture."  - Tom Doak (11/20/05)


Re: Gleneagles for £75!
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2009, 01:10:37 PM »
Michael -

You are right, we should.
However, finding someone to do the hard work is the hard part. ;)

I wonder if there might already be a GB&I-based website that is already a clearing-house for this kind of information.


Michael Whitaker

Re: Gleneagles for £75!
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2009, 01:33:40 PM »
I wonder if there might already be a GB&I-based website that is already a clearing-house for this kind of information.

If there is such a site I have not found it.

I am always amazed at the great deals and opportunities that turn up on this site... just from participants who surf around the club/resort websites and discover these unadvertised offers. For example, I once found an unadvertised summer web-only special at the Balmoral hotel in Edinburgh for £99 per night... this was a great bargain! Wouldn't it be wonderful if these kinds of offers could be posted on here in an organized way.
"Solving the paradox of proportionality is the heart of golf architecture."  - Tom Doak (11/20/05)
