"Jim, I think I have only had a few posts as of late, and they haven't helped move the conversation forward at all. But when TEPaul misrepresents my essay, or misrepresents my motives, or misrepresents my research, or misrepresents his behavior, then I will occasionally set the record straight."
It's basically as simple as pie. His essay says a couple of times that Hugh Wilson and his committee only CONSTRUCTED Merion East to someone else's routing and design plan.
There is nothing in those remarks and conclusions that are hard to understand at all.
Since the essay, we have produced Wilson's own report that explains how they created numerous plans in the months before the course was built.
This isn't rocket science and I'm not misrepresenting anything about the essay, "The Missing Faces of Merion". That's what it says a couple of times; read it yourself, and if you can't find where it says Wilson and Committee only BUILT or Constructed the course to someone else's plan I'll find those parts for you in his essay and quote them on here.
There is no misrepresentation at all of his essay on my part----that is what it says and that is patently false and we produced Wilson's own report to prove very clearly why it's false.
What more are you looking for? What more could any competent and credible researcher be looking for?
Is there anything I just said there Sully that you think is untrue or inaccurate somehow? If so what is it?
But if you don't care what I think or know or like or don't like or say about Merion's history and that essay's revision of it and you just want to have a conversation about any of this with Moriarty, then by all means be my guest! The idea of you and others on here wandering around in another discussional wilderness perhaps endlessly is actually both appealing and amusing to contemplate!

And of course that sounds good to the essayist as he's never really challenged. Just loft a bunch of soft-ball questions at him; he actually appears to be able to handle those with some modicum of logic. Well, let me amend that; even that's not possible anymore!
The way that Wilson report was dealt with on here by those two Wilson and Committee antagonist is actually about the funniest thing I have ever seen on a thread on here that purports to look for the truth on anything.
THEY USED "we" and "they" in the SAME REPORT???
Oh MY GOD, your Honor, THAT makes absolutely no sense at all----THROW THE WHOLE thing out! Totally INADMISSABLE as EVIDENCE!!
And even if it DOES make sense, your HONOR, the damn defense counsels have DOCTORED and ALTERED the EVIDENCE!!
YOUR HONOR, did you say Wayne Morrison is actually the architectural historian of MERION??? That's outrageous YOUR HONOR, I demand he be disbarred and dismissed from this courtroom immediately! That man is nothing more than a "legend" and "myth" perpetuator!! HE will just not do, Your Honor------WE WANT THE TRUTH!!!!