Just a little fact checking of current events:
Tom M said:
"Even more disturbing in this case Wayne is the acting archivist for Merion, and has a control of all their documents. He won't let David or I to see the documents but he has shared them with you and others he deems friendly."
Tom P said in response:
"You contacted Merion's historian and you were told regarding the particular information you had mentioned that you should be in contact with Merion's architectural historian. That's Wayne Morrison. Anyone contacting Merion for that kind of information would be told the same thing in the same way you were.
Than Phillip said:
"Wayne is definitely NOT the Historian for Merion NOR is he there ARCHIVIST"
Patrick then interjects in response to Phillip:
"I think you've taken some of Tom MacWood's remarks out of context, especially the remarks concerning Wayno's perceived or practical role with respect to the disemination of information relating to Merion and/or MCC."
Prompting Phillip to respond:
"You are doing that in your own statement when you state that Tom stated a “perceived or practical role…” That is incorrect. There is simply no way that the statement, “Wayne is the acting archivist for Merion, and has a control of all their documents…” to mean anything other than that. Merion has given the CONTROL of all their archives and documents contained therein to John Capers III and NO ONE ELSE!"
In response to which Patrick replies and interprets Tom M's initial statement:
"Tom MacWood stated that Wayno is the "acting" archivist for Merion.
Wayne appears to be the ONLY participant on this site that has been given access to and has seen and diseminated bits of information related to Merion. Since no one else on this site has been granted access, for practical or perceived purposes Wayno was "acting" as the archivist for this site.
I don't read Tom MacWood's post as extending beyond this website. Perhaps you do, and that's where our positions are at odds."
No wonder my factual head hurts on this thread. Tom M calls Wayne the acting archivist for Merion. Patrick interprets that role to refer only in relation to GCA.com. But Tom P clearly says that Wayne is Merion's architectural historian with emphasis on "architectural". Meanwhile Phillip insists that John Capers III is the historian.
Now, guys, this isn't some fact from 1910 that needs vetting. It is current. What is Wayne's role? Is he the architectural historian, subordinate to John Capers III that deals only with architectural inquiries from members of GCA.com? Or is it one of the other roles?
On the access issue, if someone neutral approached Merion Golf Club historian Capers and was referred on to Wayne, what would be the answer if the request was to review the MCC minutes and letters? Would it be that, sorry we don't have that information. Are the records in question still at MCC? Does Wayne or Capers have a role in the MCC archives? Do they control access at MCC too?