Thanks Tom, now what about the metes and bounds. Have you got them? Will you share them?
Bryan has asked you for this information repeatedly.
In all fairness, to chastize David Moriarty for NOT coming to you and Wayne prior to the construction of his premise is arrogant and more than a bit insulting.
Since when were the two of you annointed as the filter, check point or keeper of the gates for anything written about Merion ?
David's work was attacked by you, Wayne and Mike prior to its publication, so what incentive, what reason would he have to consult with you ?
I don't know that David's premise/s are flawed, valid or a combination of the two.
What I do know is that he and his premise have been under siege prior to publication.
That hardly incentivizes the cooperative spirit.
When Bryan and David ask you repeatedly for the Metes and Bounds, if you have the information, WHY WOULDN'T you provide it ?
And, if you DON'T have the information, JUST SAY SO.
There's no need to be coy.
When I distill throught the nonsense, I've found the discussion interesting and informative.
Certainly far more is known about the formative years of Merion as a result of David's premise.
So, irrespective of the ultimate results, more is known about Merion as a result of David's project, and that's a good thing.
I look at this and related threads like a man looks at a woman.
When he's courting her, she can't do anything wrong.
When he's trying to get rid of her, she can't do anything right.
Yet, she hasn't changed one iota, it's ONLY HIS perception of her that's changed.
And so it is with these threads, nothing David presents, NOTHING is greeted well.
Everything he presents is AUTOMATICALLY denied by you, Wayno and Mike.
If his FACTS are wrong, correct them.
If his REASONING is wrong, correct it by offering more prudent reasoning, but, DON'T DISMISS IT OUT OF PRINCIPLE.
End of rant