We moved much less than your 500,000 cy on the golf portion of this project. My guess would be much closer to 200,000-250,000 cy, although you had us push around a lot of dirt. It is hard to count yardage that is really just cutting greens and tees into the hillsides. The great thing about dozer dirt is that it is very inexpensive compared to scraper dirt or top-loaded dirt. You are really killing two birds with one stone when it is dozer dirt as the rough shaping is done at the same time and therefore reduces the cost of one of those two line-items.
When you look at the during construction pictures, it appears that most of the golf course site was disturbed somewhat, which makes it look like a lot of dirt was moved when actually that was done to make sure all the grades tied in well. Lester will tell you that it was due to my cousin "Squeak" who was one of our lead shapers on this project (20+ years shaping). Squeak is pretty stubborn (as some shapers can be) and he won't quit until it is perfect. Squeak is one of those talented shapers that takes it from rough grade with an 850 dozer, works it down with a 550 dozer and finishes it off with a box blade. Great box blade guys are hard to find anymore, especially the ones that can run the big stuff too.
If you add the pond on the earthwork, we probably would get to 300,000 cy moved and if we counted the roadway construction, maybe a total of 390,000 but that dirt is not on the golf course. Lester might have that dirt counted in as well.