Actually, I think we will start to see a lot of 60-80's courses renovated, especially the public ones that were built on a shoestring budget and need major drainage, irrigation and environmental retrofits. Most people think that era was kind of bland compared to what followed, since design was focused mostly on cost and maintenance for many courses built then.
One example from my portfolio is Indian Creek, a fine Dick Phelps routing and course that just wore out under heavy play and inadequate maintenance, but which was also done on shoe string and had too few bunkers, etc. for upscale play. I know Dick and Rick (who reads here) would question whether my work was an improvement but the new image has spurred play for a few years, so it worked.
BTW, I also think a small number of top courses from that era will also be restored. Look at the change in perception for Bellreive from the last major to the first one held there, which was recieved about as well as Hazeltine. We need to make sure to preserve some RTJ work, and last time I played Hazeltine, I saw a lot to like out there.