Cool! Here is a topic where I have some ACTUAL expertise...

I have yet to find a golf course website that has been satisfactory, to me at least (I guess Bandon Dunes website comes the closest).
I believe the golf course website has to accomplish following objectives (in order of importance);
1. Present the course to the visitor (especially for people who have never been to your site).
2. Convey information about how much it costs and when.
3. Allow visitors to make a tee time reservation.
4. Contact information
5. Information about latest condition and events
6. Any other miscellaneous information about the facility
Most golf courses do not do a good enough job with the task #1 - presenting the course.
You should have oodles and oodles of pictures. Professional photography is great, but it would be fine just to have regular digital shots. There is no reason why you cannot have at least 5 to 10 shots of every hole.
Ideally, the you have the top-down course diagram so that people can view the hole orientation and click on any particular hole to get a detailed descriptions. (kinda like how they do it on - but with more pictures!!!)
You should also describe every hole, especially any strategy involved. The course descriptions here on would be a GREAT thing to copy.
Case in point; we have a fantastic web page about the creation of the 13th hole at Rustic Canyon by Geoff Shackelford. Why would you NOT want to have that at the Rustic Canyon site itself?
The second thing that most sites do not do well is conveying current status. You should have a clear calendar of events so that people can either sign up for an event or know when to avoid the course (reseeding, punching the green, tournaments, etc.). You should also let the people know what the current course conditions are like. Chambers Bay has a great series of posts by the Super Intendent on what is happening at the course. Every course should have one. And it really should be an RSS feed so that people can subscribe to the updates.
That's just a start. If I was going all hi-tech, I would add support for Forums and photo albums so that people can talk about their rounds/holes and upload pictures that they took. Grow the community!!!