I'd like to see Perry win it. He's a top notch guy, I think. And he might not ever get another chance; be a great Lifetime Achievement Award of sorts for him.
I'm really happy to see El Pato win another major

Kenny Perry may well be a nice guy, but his continuing diminishment of the value of those Majors that don't "fit his game" demean a very important part of the game. The majors define a very large part of the competitive history of golf for me. The Masters and two Opens place some of the greatest values on every facet of a golfer's skill and perseverance. The Ryder Cup and yearly PGA schedule aren't even in the same ballpark. That may be just my opinion, but I'm hardly alone.
Kenny Perry has great skills and immense talent, but his aversion to the irregular challenges that the Majors present provide for the ultimate schadenfreude. The gods of the Majors will always favor those who rise to any and all challenges and hold high the privilege of competing against the best in the game at their most exalted venues and their grandest titles.
Angel Cabera has the right mentality. He shares that with a snappy pace (what a relief!), an emotive style and a knowledge of the history of the game. He is the real "top-notch" guy here and deserved this win by exhibiting the desire and perseverance of a true champion.
Grilled Skirt Steaks and a good Malbec for all tonight!!!