"1. You will transcribe the minutes if you think it helps you, yet not this portion. I wonder why that is?"
David Moriarty:
Help me? What does that mean? All I've ever been after is the truth of Merion's history as reflected by their records and their recorded and reported history continues to prove to be the truth after much additional research on our part. I tend not to discount and rationalize away the things the MCC board, the MCC minutes, the men of Merion, the committees, Hugh Wilson, and certainly including Alan Wilson's report says. That we all leave to people like you and it's pretty disappointing to say the least.
"2. Scolding me for not obtaining information that you are hiding from me is a bit silly, even for you."
We didn't even know MCC had these meeting minutes until after your essay came out. You know you should've researched all Merion's history, including these MCC meeting minutes if you were going to write an essay that said the things you did in it, and you know you should've done that BEFORE you put out that essay, not afterwards. I don't think you are a dumb guy, David Moriarty, more like an extremely clever one who probably felt you could actually convince people who knew something about Merion's history that something else actually happened. The real reasons you tried to do that in the first place is definitely not lost on us here and has been very obvious for a very long time.
To me you are nothing more than someone like a clever student in law school more interested in the techniques of arguing than in the actual factual history of Merion and who in the main did what and when. You can probably half fool some on here who don't know much about the details of Merion's history of that time and probably don't want to take the time to know it all in detail but you can certainly can never fool us or those at Merion who really do understand the details of Merion's history. And the latter are the ones you're up against here, not these people on this website who don't really know the details of the entire history or how to analyze it. You are up against some people who really know the details of the history, and the timeline of it and up against them you and your essay have failed miserably and will continue to fail miserably unless or until you finally admit to the obvious of the numerous things about that history that we've been trying to explain to you (and MacWood) for years now!
"3. Do you have a copy of the report that you say Wilson wrote for Lesley? If so, on what basis do you claim the report was written by Wilson?"
Good question indeed. I do have the report and it does not say it was written by Wilson and it is not signed by Wilson. It merely says:
Golf Committee through Mr Lesley, report (sic) as follows on the new Golf Grounds.
Your committee desires to report that after laying out many different courses on the ground they went down to the National.....
This is all contained within the April 19, 1911 MCC board meeting minutes.
Since the wording of the report said 'your committee' and then said 'they' I just assumed that since Lesley was not part of Wilson's committee that the report was written by Wilson's committee who were the only ones with first hand knowledge of what they'd been doing through the winter and spring of 1911 and at NGLA (again Lesley was not part of Wilson's committee and apparently did not go with them to NGLA in early April 1911) and since Wilson was the chairman of the Wilson committee and chairman generally write reports for the committees they chair, I have assumed that Wilson probably wrote the report that was delivered to the board by Lesley, the chairman of the Golf Committee that the Wilson committee apparently worked and operated under. But I don't know that for sure and I admit that another member of the Wilson committee may've actually written the Wilson Committee report although I can't exactly imagine why another would have rather than Wilson himself.
If you haven't figured this out for yourself at this point, Hugh Wilson was clearly a very efficient and organized man in these kinds of things and his app. 1000 agronomy letters makes that very loud and clear!
Have you ever even belonged to a golf club, David Moriarty, and do you even have a modicum of personal experience in things like this with these kinds of private clubs, how they work, how their committees work and function and report and so forth and so on?
No, I didn't think so!