Here are a couple Pictures I have, not sure of exact hole numbers....
#2-3 (par 3)

Here is another of the "reverse redan" hole,
#7 (par 3)

Looking back at the Large Punchbowl 6th, which is generally a blind 2nd / 3rd
#6 (par 5)

The Green sits behind this mound

#10 (par 4)

#17 (par 3)

I felt that at times the front nine was a bit cluttered and constricted feeling by the housing, but what can you do? You don't get this feeling on the back at all!!
A very unique (at least it was for me) course, I love how the shapes of the greens and bunkers are very concise and bold, i.e. the squared off bunker / green edges. Plenty of old school design i.e. biarittz, reverse redanish, ect. Also note a pretty easy walk although I did suffer a wicked bloody nose....

Cool course, cool setting (minus the houses).