Not about the budget? As a past Green Chairman at Merion once said, "It's not about the money, it's ALL about the money." He opened his presentation at a USGA Regional Conference with that. But don't get me wrong, John does an outstanding job at Oakmont no doubt about that. And I agree that we Super's should read this and water less but please keep in mind the huge investment that Oakmont has made in it's golf course. In order for John to use less water now there was a > 1 million dollor investment made in a state of the art irrigation system. And how much do you think it costs to remove 5,000 - 8,000 trees? BTW, I like the wide range given here, as if they don't know. Then another $300,000 or so to rebuild the ditches and cap them with sand. They are "ditches". Given the resources amd siupport any Superintendent would love to do all the same stuff. Don't get me wrong - John is the Man and he definately has a plan. But don't just say" Supers should read this and then they will water less. If you want your golf course to be like Oakmont then get you Super similar resources. You will both be very happy.