Thanks Peter,
It was definitely a marathon. No scratch that, it was more like a siege; though I couldn't tell you which side of the wall I was on!
I'm a bit scatterbrained right now, but someone asked whether I'd do it again or something to that effect. My answer is yes. It's been a long, difficult process but I think it has been worthwhile. And as far as I'm concerned there will be another contest in the future, but it will be quite a while (unless someone else decides to take over). We'll work all of that out in a debriefing once this thing fully winds down.
I think Rich Goodale noted in an email to me the sheer amount of data generated by the contest. Rich, you are correct about that (and you don't know the half of it)! When you consider backup copies of everything on both my hard drive and the contestant's and all of the preliminary stuff, it stretches far into the Gigabytes.
I'm obviously proud of the work the judges, contestants, (and I) have done. You guys have been good sports all along the way.
Some housekeeping items:
I still plan to try and get a "favorite holes" string of posts together. Anyone (and I mean anyone) should feel free to do so. If you can post the images yourself along with a few words, that would be great. If you're not able figure out the picture posting thing, you can let me know and I'll try to do so. Contestants, you can feel free to play around to get the perfect angle/look or just post images you've already got (which may already be perfect).
It was mentioned a couple of times to me to do a rundown of sketchup and my process in order to explore its use in contests as well as for pure discussion purposes. I plan on doing a major write-up on this subject in the medium-term future. I've come to think of it as a Core Information Brain Dump.
Okay, enough of my stream of consciousness writings, Merry Christmas to ALL and to ALL a Good NIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHTTTTT!