The Heretics are out and about in strength again. Just because they cannot play the game without outside distance aids, they accuse those that who play the game in its natural and original way, numerous names.
These Heretics cry what about this or what about that, as well as mentioning that old chestnut Caddies.
I do not use Caddies, as I feel that game should be about the golfer facing his challenge and round from within. I do not feel the greed, need to dominate others, beat them or even win, therefore I am not looking for that something else that will give me an edge. The problem is that edge is generated not by the golfer but by outside means. An analogy would be sitting an English exam with pen and paper only, accepting it as a true test of your ability or having the latest edition of the English Dictionary to your hand to help you over the difficult parts. Cheating, maybe but you are doing yourself a total disservice and ultimately you are the poor for the experience.
Yes, I want ALL distance aids removed leaving perhaps the length of course and each hole on the Tee & scorecards. Quite rightly many on here who agree in part with my point of view, say it will never happen, stop beating your head and our against a brick wall. We know how you feel and share many of those concerns, but nothing will change, you are just becoming boring. OK, so I boring, but in my little way I am trying to make it an issue that gets up to those Men in their Ivory Towers who make the decisions.
Stick you head in the ground because you feel you cant change things, thats your choice, but those of us who believe its may be wrong, unfair, cheating or just allowing the weak minded golfer that he needs theses aid to play golf. The more of us that feel its wrong should say so, stand up and be counted instead of taking todays modern path looking for the EASY WAY. There is no easy way, its a fight, but first we need to persuade the golfers that use them that they just dont actually need them and have thus allowed these aids to take over their game (well the eye, brain, swing co-ordination part).
Therefore, by playing the game in the format it has been played for centuries we are labelled as Traditionalist, Purist, perhaps that Lunatic Fringe. However, what does that say about you and why you cannot play the real game anymore. You need outside assistance to measure distance, to help choose a club, to really help you think. Just think about it, if we are Traditionalists, then clearly you are Heretics, but I will not be calling in the Spanish Inquisition. Although I expect it will require much torture, a little stretch here or there (may improve many back problems), prior to burning on the Stake. St Andrews already has a Martyrs Monument behind the R&A Club House, which would do nicely for future Heretics to face their final test overlooking TOC.
The Rules as they stand are open to these outside aids, so play your game. However, dont tell me or any other golfer that does not use yardage information in their game that you are honouring the traditions or Spirit of the Game winning is what matters and many are happy to trample anything or anyone in their path to achieve their high (or should I say low, in this case). Is this what you want the modern face of Golf to represent to the World at Large? Apparently so.
As you have the right to use distance aids, others Caddies, then I have the right to my opinion in the hope that one day the Governing Bodies see the error of their ways and once again seek the golfer to play within his own means.
PS You play faster without distance aids of any sort, plus you get the benefit of concentration on the game in hand without distractions.