Hopefully I'm not clogging up this thread with wild (and incorrect) theories, but here is another one that I'm talking myself into.

Reasons why I like this one:
- It fits nicely in the boundaries of a field/ pasture that isn't forested.
- The building that could have been the planned clubhouse fits perfectly in the rectangle that Mackenzie drew... however, it looks like that is only because they expanded that building in 2011. Before that, it only took up half of the rectangle... because it might have been the house in those articles. I'll put a picture of it below.
- It looks like there is also a structure in the exact spot where there was the mystery building on the routing (blue square in the middle of the pic), although it is obscured. There are smaller structures visible around it in certain aerials.
- The drawing seems square to the bottom property line and the boundaries of the field- so it is a logical orientation to draw it.
- The 9th hole dogs nicely with the edge of the plot
- The 9th hole and especially the 10th hole are arranged so that tee shots would carry the road. The 10th tee is really quite a ways from the 9th green, so maybe that is the reason? Also, 1 and 18 both easily carry the road. I am surmising that the road was there when Mackenzie drew the plans because of that internal building. So, not only does this footprint have the internal structure and forest around it, but the access roads to it avoid greens and tees nicely.
- the doglegs seem more naturally tilted in this solution than the last one that I posted. 9 has a gentle bank to it for instance.
With this footprint, the 18th hole is 330 yards and the 9th is about 400 yards.
Here is a more zoomed out image to give orientation:

Original building that was in the location site for this theory. At or around 2011, it looks like they significantly added on to this structure. In that case, the original portion is still there, just a part of a bigger building.
Notice the dormer on the roof. I think that matches the photo of the clubhouse where the plans were stored. There is a nice yard there and room for the photographer to stand to take the pic from the top of this photo back toward the house.