It gets to be real entertainment when a fellow like Lou finally hauls out the good book, gets into a whole tizzy of secular VS theocracy based government value systems, all brought on by the notion of 'redistribution of wealth". I didn't see Jesus sitting on the back bench of the halls of congress when the wealthy influenced party in power were deregulating the whole financial sector oversight, allowing all the loopholes and pass the legislation that let jobs go out of this country. I did hear some rumblings of religious ferver invoked in justifying the war as curtailing the Islamic conspiracy to create weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, even though that Sadam regime wasn't so much an Islamic foundation, nor it turns out in possession of the WMD. But, we had our leaders invoking protection of our "Judeo-Christian" values somehow mixed into the overall rationale, as it turns out was more about oil than culture or western religious preservation...
The anti-income tax squad running around in the woods in this country, the Posse Commitatis and all the other fringe anti-tax lunies always seem to get down to invoking the religious angle, it seems to me. Now Lou is topping off his anti-governance rants and anti-tax - anti-16th ammendment philosophies with a screed on tithing and theology based notions as rationale to not make a collective and democratic attempt at governing ourselves and righting the ship that was sunk by those very people that are now unhappy with where the currently elected leadership want to take us.
Dave, you weren't so vociferous in your opposition when the the reverse of your termed "Robinhoodian" concept of take from the rich-distribute to the poor; was the rich Wall Street Pirates buying legislation of dereg and taking hard earned investments placed in fiduciary trust of that wealth class and using the collective to spread their outrageous risks onto the collective to make even more money and exponentially create more of their own kind's wealth, that no-or very elete few middle or lower class people could ever pierce that closed club feast of corp execs.
As an aside, I can't help but observe and mention that all this conspiracy of a redistributionist cabal is now being guided in policy formation and driven in legislation by people at the top of the economics world. Does anyone think that the people at the very pinnacle of these proposed new policy directions of taxation, financial rescue, mortgage rescue, health care rescue, are from the lower or middle income class and are conspiring to make themselves more wealthy? I can't help but think that everyone of the people on Obama's economic team are and have been well in excess of Dave's 'working rich' and thus will be even more effected by the new proposals they are planning, than the 260K a year stiffs Dave is worried about. Yet, they do it... why? Because Dave isn't there with another better plan, Lou is out tithing and praying for a flat tax somewhere and cursing the notion that we have moved on from the good old days when pain was more virtuous.
Gentlemen, it is a plan - it is our national democratically selected plan, and for now, it is all we have until next election. Surely, you can wait your next turn, as many of us feel we endured the last 8 years. Stand down for cripes sake. You have added nothing that is being accepted for now, to help. You are just perpetuating a harsh arguement and previously failed set of ideas, and you haven't come up with new ones that inspire the people enough to trust you anymore. If you have come up with a new more workable idea, get your asses to Washington, and off