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Cliff Hamm

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #225 on: March 01, 2009, 09:15:04 PM »
Patrick...I refrained from getting into this discussion because of the venom that is too often spewed rather than a civil discussion. You have served to reinforce my initial instinct as correct.

As I'm sure you are aware income disparity has increased significantly over the past decade or so.

I had no argument only a question.  Unfortunately you viewed it otherwise.  BTW I am 58, well educated thank you and will refrain from posting on this thread as I have no need to subject myself to your insulting comments.

Finally, please answer the question asked.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 09:18:00 PM by Cliff Hamm »

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #226 on: March 01, 2009, 10:16:57 PM »

I don't know about deductions for charitable contributions, but here is what the NY Times said:

"Mr. Obama would propose to reduce the value of itemized tax deductions for everyone in the top income tax bracket, 35 percent, and many of those in the 33 percent bracket — roughly speaking, starting at $250,000 in annual income for a married couple.

Under existing law, the tax benefit of itemizing deductions rises with a taxpayer’s marginal tax bracket (the bracket that applies to the last dollar of income). For example, $10,000 in itemized deductions reduces tax liability by $3,500 for someone in the 35 percent bracket.

Mr. Obama would allow a saving of only $2,800 — as if the person were in the 28 percent bracket."

As for that single mom working at's a job and that's better than no job...but I reject that argument...paying someone that wage pretty much condemns them to a life of low wages...or using government sponsored programs....

The one thing I learned from working with single moms is they had a lot of desire to do better, but they were so tired.


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #227 on: March 01, 2009, 11:29:22 PM »
I must say, Steve Lapper is about the most understandable poster here when it comes to his ability to write and explain complicated subjects so that even a simpleton like me can understand.  I do not detect a strong ideological bias by Steve, just a well understood methodology and understanding of how these complicated mechanisms of  financial institutions and our economy work, along with a good understanding of the history of this mess.  I'll take that over the tortured and convoluted Limbonian sophistry that can't pass the stink test.

I think Pat, that you have demonstrated that you understand and can convince me of much of the problem, particularly your acknowlegement that it is about jobs at the core of this crisis, but you just have a different set of views on government policy regarding what tax and a business conducive atmosphere it takes to re-ignite the econ or even get back jobs that have been lost to outsourcing and low wage countries. 

But, I think you are way too fearful of the class warfare motive, and redistributionist concept.  It isn't really some dark conspiracy of Obamaites or socialists figuring out how to get your money for their own damn use, in essence stealing your good times and friuits of your labor.  It is about a majority of people in this country that have voted and will continue to vote to change the tax structure to what is needed NOW, to SURVIVE this storm, for the good of our country.   It isn't about stealing your money.  It is about taxing enough to get ourselves out of the ditch. 

The underclass sees this in much more simple terms than these very interesting economics debates we are having here on between you obviously well educated and capable people who have some understanding well beyond the basic talk down at the tavern. 

So, they have elected people via a majority that have convinced them that we "need change" because all they know now is the way we've been is bad and fewer and fewer people have opportunity because jobs are going- going -gone, and there is some real criminality of Wall St., and all the conspicuous lavishness of an exec class being demonstrated while in the media, and via a meriad of investigations of many of those same people are being outted as crooks.   

A majority of people had elected a set of government leaders that put the tax rates and set the rules of the game to what has brought us this mess over the last years.  (those elected failures were dems and reps)  And now, the majority is changing horses and putting in place a group that so far has been explaining their plans on a daily basis (more info being disseminated by the day than we got in years of the previous admin) and so the majority has to put faith that their new elected people will put this back into some kind of shape, perhaps by trial and error, and sooner or later, depending on how much flak they get from the minority.

There is no class warfare now any more than there was when the previous set of rules was installed by the influential then majority.  There is only new leaders who were elected by a majority who have voted and they are going to get a chance.  If they fail, then yet another new majority will have to form up on a different path and set of leaders.  But for now, you vociferous objectors should chill out because you who don't like this are NOT IN THE MAJORITY!!! (and by the very fact of those preceding years and ideas of governing, you have become a minority)   
No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.

Craig Van Egmond

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #228 on: March 02, 2009, 07:54:44 AM »

    You are absolutely right, the people on the right, those ungrateful losers, should show the same respect that those on the left have shown the last administration over that last 8 years when they were not in the MAJORITY. 

    If this was football I would give you fifteen yards for the excessive use of the 10 dollar word 'sophistry' in every political thread you reply to.  ;)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 08:14:37 AM by Craig Edgmand »

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #229 on: March 02, 2009, 09:27:36 AM »
Craig E...

Respecting the office is one thing...but it was difficult to respect a lying moron.... ;D


Craig Van Egmond

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #230 on: March 02, 2009, 09:35:25 AM »

But they are all lying morons... :)

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #231 on: March 02, 2009, 10:16:12 AM »
Just out....consumer spending up in January...first up month after 6 straight months of decline...wages up.....consumer savings at highest levels since 1957...

People are saving again...worried about the future. I wonder how the stimulus will play out against that....considering the theory is people will be eager to spend the extra money in their pay checks....


Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #232 on: March 02, 2009, 10:35:22 AM »
Just out....consumer spending up in January...first up month after 6 straight months of decline...wages up.....consumer savings at highest levels since 1957...

People are saving again...worried about the future. I wonder how the stimulus will play out against that....considering the theory is people will be eager to spend the extra money in their pay checks....


I don't think ANYONE is eager to spend extra money ANYWHERE.

And, wasn't Obama inaugurated on January 21st ?[/b]


Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #233 on: March 02, 2009, 10:50:31 AM »

Patrick...I refrained from getting into this discussion because of the venom that is too often spewed rather than a civil discussion. You have served to reinforce my initial instinct as correct.

Cliff, it's not venom, it's the facts, something you conveniently omitted.

The highest marginal tax rate was rarely achieved because innumerable deductions insured that outcome.

I was merely trying to ascertain how personally familiar you are with the accounting principles related to tax filings in the years you cited.

As I'm sure you are aware income disparity has increased significantly over the past decade or so.

I had no argument only a question.  Unfortunately you viewed it otherwise.  BTW I am 58, well educated thank you and will refrain from posting on this thread as I have no need to subject myself to your insulting comments.

Nonsense, your question was posed AFTER you posted an incomplete and disengenuous listing of the highest yearly marginal tax rates, fraudulently comparing current and future tax rates to the older tax rates without supplying the underlying details and facts which woud provide the reader with a better understanding of how taxation really worked in the prior  years you cited.  That ommission, and the sole publication of the tax rates presented a seriously flawed, disengenuous and even a fraudulent comparison.  YOU know it and I know it.
Hopefully, everyone else now knows it.   

You omitted vital facts relating to the intricate tax details related to those tax years, presenting an argument that would lead to a predisposed conclusion.  Your exercise was intellectually dishonest, and, you know it.

With your presentation and perspective I can see how you would couch a dose of honesty as venom.

Finally, please answer the question asked.

Sure,  Is that any different than the previous decade, or the one before it ?

« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 11:31:59 AM by Patrick_Mucci »

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #234 on: March 02, 2009, 11:00:54 AM »

I had no intentions of implying that Obama was responsible for the up turn in spending, wages, and saving....

I see we had yet another round of socialism last night...another $35 billion to AIG....are any of the European countries helping with this AIG bailout?

Kalen Braley

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #235 on: March 02, 2009, 11:04:47 AM »
I'm curious how Obama can be taken seriously when he's said over and over again that pet projects and earmarks will not fly under his watch, but then does this.

So after saying in the past he will expose and call-out those who do this, does this mean he's going to call-out himeslf?

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #236 on: March 02, 2009, 11:18:08 AM »

The report that cited these "earmarks" said 40% of them were put into that bill by probably saw Rep. Kyl defending his "pet projects" as being outside the definition of "earmark"?

Here's the thing...and you tell me where you make the distinction've got some county roads in Utah that need some serious work...maybe a short cut and bridge will make a town more accessible to tourist...your state dept. of transportation is all for it, your governor is all for it, but the money just isn't there....federal highway dollars are going elsewhere....probably the Salt Lake metro your Congressman gets those road projects and that short cut and bridge into the this bad? Is this an earmark/pet project? 


Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #237 on: March 02, 2009, 11:23:09 AM »

I don't know about deductions for charitable contributions, but here is what the NY Times said:

The NY Times ?  They're certainly an unbiased source.

"Mr. Obama would propose to reduce the value of itemized tax deductions for everyone in the top income tax bracket, 35 percent, and many of those in the 33 percent bracket — roughly speaking, starting at $250,000 in annual income for a married couple.

Under existing law, the tax benefit of itemizing deductions rises with a taxpayer’s marginal tax bracket (the bracket that applies to the last dollar of income). For example, $10,000 in itemized deductions reduces tax liability by $3,500 for someone in the 35 percent bracket.

Mr. Obama would allow a saving of only $2,800 — as if the person were in the 28 percent bracket."

First of all, you and the NY times are being dishonest because you know that the tax bracket is going UP to 39 %.  It's NOT staying at 35 % as in the example you cite.  

Journalistic FRAUD.

THEY KNOW and YOU KNOW that the rates are going up to 39 %, so why use 35 % when you know it WON'T APPLY ?  That's blatant dishonesty.

The new law is going to hurt charities.

People are going to be less likely to donate.
1  because of the financial climate
2  because of the new law and the increased cost to the donor
3  because the younger generations are less charitable

Ask yourself, would you rather donate directly to a great charity, or have your money filtered through Washington with pennies on the dollar returned to social causes, some of which you don't support as much as you do your own personal choices.

I GUARANTEE you that the Democrats will oppose that portion of the law

As for that single mom working at's a job and that's better than no job...

but I reject that argument...paying someone that wage pretty much condemns them to a life of low wages...or using government sponsored programs....

Everyone isn't meant to be a big wage earner or a sports super star, so there's always going to be disparity in pay scales.

Yet, immigrants continue to flock to America, legal and illegal, because it offers a better life than the one they had in their homeland.

If people think they're worse off in America then they would be in some other country, planes and boats leave for foreign shores every day.

What's the alternative, pay government 100 % of your wages and let government take care of everyone, equally ?

The one thing I learned from working with single moms is they had a lot of desire to do better, but they were so tired.

I agree, it's a terrible plight.
Raising a child alone is very, very difficult, whether you're a single mom or a single dad.

Yet every bimbo in Hollywood, along with the celebrity media parade single motherhood around as if it was a desirable condition, and not just with one child, but many children from different fathers.  What kind of message does that send to the youth in America ?

Shouldn't we ask how this situation came to be such a widespread problem, and what we can do to prevent it ?

Perhaps, with countrywide financial hardship, family values might be restored or trend toward traditional values where single parenthood was less of a dilema.


Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #238 on: March 02, 2009, 11:26:04 AM »

I had no intentions of implying that Obama was responsible for the up turn in spending, wages, and saving....

I see we had yet another round of socialism last night...another $35 billion to AIG....are any of the European countries helping with this AIG bailout?

The European countries have their hands full with their own bailouts.

As to AIG, perhaps they should have been allowed to unwind.
I don't know the answer.
I would be interested in hearing what Mr Greenberg has to say about what should have and what should be done with AIG

Craig Van Egmond

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #239 on: March 02, 2009, 11:27:35 AM »

     Of course Obama rubber stamps the 'spending package', he needs Congress to rubber stamp his budget spending package. Do as I say not as I do.

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #240 on: March 02, 2009, 11:30:22 AM »

The NY Times quote is what it is...whether the tax rate goes to 39% of not is inconsequential ....and I doubt it will make a difference regarding the itemized deductions...the example was using the current tax rate...

AIG has international exposure....surly they have business in Europe that threatens European banks etc....where is the help from Europe?

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #241 on: March 02, 2009, 11:32:23 AM »
Craig E....

Here is more on the spending bill we are talking about...

"The Senate is about to begin considering a $410 billion spending bill for the rest of this fiscal year, coming under increasing fire from Republicans who are trying to reestablish themselves as fiscal conservatives.

Congress has to clear the measure by Friday, or pass another short term funding, bill since legislation paying for most of the federal government is set to expire. Republicans say they intend to propose changes to the measure, leaving Democrats with their work cut out for them if they are to wrap up the bill this week.

The measure contains nine overdue spending bills for the current fiscal year, which is already about half over. The bills stalled last year in a dispute between the Democratic Congress and former President George W. Bush over spending levels. Now Republicans are objecting to an overall increase in federal spending on top of the recently enacted $787 billion stimulus as well as nearly 9,000 earmarks that both parties have put into the measure.

Republican leaders say the pet projects violate President Obama’s pledge to reduce such spending but administration officials want to dispose of the measure quickly seeing it as leftover from 2008. The spending bills were initially due last Oct. 1."

Kalen Braley

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #242 on: March 02, 2009, 11:34:09 AM »

You miss the point entirely.  I understand what one would call an earmark, another would call a necessity...I totally get that.

However, Obama has said time and time again that this behavoir will stop,  will not happen under his watch, and that the responsible parties will be exposed.....simple as that.  Apparently not only has this not happened, but he's also going to sign these bill thats chock full of them. So I must ask WTF is that? He says one thing and does the opposite.

Think of this in terms of a parent who is trying to discipline a kid.  If all they do is make empty threats and never follow-up on any of it, that kid is going to run rough-shod all over the parent. Obama is the new sherriff in town who claims to be laying down the law, and implementing a new Washington... yet so far has shown he's all bark and no bite, and its the same old Washington as usual.

So between this, his massive bloated budget proposal that would break all the records in spending by massive amounts, and his several cabinent appointee blow-ups, Obama in his 1st month of office has already shown he has massive credibility issues.  Not small ones but big ones.

P.S. I'm no fan of Bush, but at least he didn't lose most of his credibility in his 1st month in office..  ;)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 11:36:08 AM by Kalen Braley »


Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #243 on: March 02, 2009, 11:40:02 AM »

The NY Times quote is what it is...whether the tax rate goes to 39% of not is inconsequential ....and I doubt it will make a difference regarding the itemized deductions...the example was using the current tax rate...


The people at the NY Times are smart people.

They deliberately used a fraudulent example in order to mislead and further their agenda.

The example DOESN'T apply to the current tax rate because itemized charitable deductions are allowed in tax year 2009.

PLEASE, don't perpetuate fraud and intellectual dishonesty.

AIG has international exposure....surly they have business in Europe that threatens European banks etc....where is the help from Europe?

For years I've been saying that we should review and revisit our foreign policies.

When the Tsunami hit Indonesia, former Presidents Bush and Clinton raised millions for aid and relief.

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, did just ONE foreign nation attempt to raise funds from their citizenry to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina ?

Buy American.

If we don't hang together, we're going to hang seperately.

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #244 on: March 02, 2009, 11:41:01 AM »

I have no problem with Obama wishing to get this spending bill, which has been hanging around since last summer, out of the way....of course he could totally derail it..refuse to sign it and start all over again....but considering he has his own budget out there for debate, an economy in crisis and two wars to deal with, I can cut him some slack if he feels what was done BEFORE he was elected might not be worth spending another 6 months on...

Now, I would be happy to point out to you that the loud mouth critics have been Republicans, yet they have put billions in earmarks in this bill...until they are "pure of heart" on this, they should STFU.

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #245 on: March 02, 2009, 11:46:58 AM »

I have no way of knowing the NY Times's reason for using the 2008 code...and I have no idea what charitable contributions and the tax code are all about...are they part of the itemized deductions? 

I can only guess that the example in the Times is the same regardless of highest tax are allowed under current law X amount in deductions, and under the new law that will be cut by a few hundred dollars...

The point would bring the maximum deduction for those in the highest rate down to a level of those in the lower rate (28%)...

Craig Van Egmond

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #246 on: March 02, 2009, 11:48:01 AM »
Craig S,

   As Emanuel said about the spending bill.. "This is last years business" .  

   However, next year they can't blame anyone but themselves. Its just business as usual for D.C.

   Oh by the way, the markets are tanking again this morning. Just think of it has a buying opportunity.   ;)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 11:50:24 AM by Craig Edgmand »

Kalen Braley

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #247 on: March 02, 2009, 11:51:23 AM »

I have no problem with Obama wishing to get this spending bill, which has been hanging around since last summer, out of the way....of course he could totally derail it..refuse to sign it and start all over again....but considering he has his own budget out there for debate, an economy in crisis and two wars to deal with, I can cut him some slack if he feels what was done BEFORE he was elected might not be worth spending another 6 months on...

Now, I would be happy to point out to you that the loud mouth critics have been Republicans, yet they have put billions in earmarks in this bill...until they are "pure of heart" on this, they should STFU.


So you don't dispute he has major credibility issues then?
And you don't dispute that instead of making the tough decisions to get Washington on the right track he's going to stick with the status quo?
You also don't dispute that his latest budget proposal is completly beyond crazy in terms of spending and putting America in an even bigger hole?

Republicans weren't the ones who "vowed" to remove was Obama who did.  Yet when Obama's feet are being held to the fire your only counter-argument is "well the republicans are doing it too".  Thats precious!

I guess if anything, just makes it easy to see why I can't give my support to either party because they are one in the same.  Different names, same old thing. They both take lobby money, they both love fat budgets, neither is interested in real change.  Obama, McCain, Bush, Clinton, it matters not they are all the same.  The only thing to try to figure out for election day is which ones will screw it up the least amount....

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #248 on: March 02, 2009, 11:55:46 AM »
Craig E...

Right...and I think there's several million Obama voters that will hold him accountable....and despite the propaganda from the Repubs. the stimulus bill contains no earmarks and will be fact, I think we will see how he follows through on that promise..

I little while ago I was looking at the state of Montana's Recovery web site...they have a long list of projects ready to bid, with dollar amounts etc...they plan to update that as the contracts are signed and the work begins..

That sort of thing never has I am hopeful that Obama will take the lead on transparency and follow through on his promise to scrutinize every project.

Craig Van Egmond

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re: Northern Trust under pressure...
« Reply #249 on: March 02, 2009, 12:02:06 PM »

Ran across this interesting article about the state of manufacturing in America...

Anybody care to offer up what opportunities there are for American manufacturers?  What should American's be building here?


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