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one round in Orlando
« on: February 19, 2009, 12:36:52 PM »
Making my first ever family pilgrimage to Disney week after next.  I don't expect to leave the park often, BUT....if I was able to slip away for a late afternoon round what would be my best bet. 

Should I try Sugarloaf or are which of the Disney courses are recommended.  Any under the radar public courses worth giving a shot?


Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 12:43:47 PM »
There have been recent reports of poor conditions of the greens at Sugarloaf. I have not seen it, but I can report that the weather since those reports has been unfavorable to recovery. We are just starting to see modeate temps through the night and today we are getting a little rain, but the rains have been few and far between.

That said, 10 days is a long time for bermuda to work, so things may be a good bit improved by the time you arrive. I doubt we'll see any more real cold weather
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 02:07:02 PM by John_Cullum »
"We finally beat Medicare. "

Mike Sweeney

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 01:39:38 PM »

Should I try Sugarloaf or are which of the Disney courses are recommended.  Any under the radar public courses worth giving a shot?

I slightly prefer Deltona over Sugarloaf:,38140.0.html

Both are 45 minutes.

Closer, say 30 minutes from Disney is Southern Dunes, very good Steve Smyers.

Closest is Mystic Dunes #1 and Championsgate International as a number 2.

On property, Fazio's Osprey Ridge is the best but it was closed over the holidays, maybe for good for the renovation. The rest on Disney property are really overpriced Florida style courses.

I have not played it, but I am hearing that Bella Collina by Faldo/Smyers is the best of the bunch. Not clear on how you get on as it is a very stalled private Ginn development near Sugarloaf.

Dan Moore

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2009, 01:40:52 PM »
Southern Dunes Smyers. 
"Is there any other game which produces in the human mind such enviable insanity."  Bernard Darwin

Marty Bonnar

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 06:28:53 PM »
Highlands Reserve!

West end of 192, about ten miles south on 27. Mike Dasher design. Thirty minutes from WDW. Some of the most undulating ground in central Fla.

A good 5/6 on the Sweeney-Bonnar Scale (booze-oriented version). Okay, no 10, no way, but decent golf, great terrain, not at all CCFAD, low-key, interesting greens and, best of all, CHEAP!!! Passable Guinness in tinnies at the bar too! This from the Scotsman who loves Florida... ;D I'll definitely be there next December celebrating the BIG 5-Ouch.

Try it, you might like it..

The White River runs dark through the heart of the Town,
Washed the people coal-black from the hole in the ground.

Mike Sweeney

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 09:58:43 PM »
Highlands Reserve!

West end of 192, about ten miles south on 27. Mike Dasher design. Thirty minutes from WDW. Some of the most undulating ground in central Fla.

A good 5/6 on the Sweeney-Bonnar Scale (booze-oriented version). Okay, no 10, no way, but decent golf, great terrain, not at all CCFAD, low-key, interesting greens and, best of all, CHEAP!!! Passable Guinness in tinnies at the bar too! This from the Scotsman who loves Florida... ;D I'll definitely be there next December celebrating the BIG 5-Ouch.

Try it, you might like it..


Agree with FBD. I played it over the holidays again with my son and he prefers it to Mountain Lake. A little closer than Southern Dunes to Disney and much cheaper but not quite as good as SD.

Bryan Izatt

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2009, 10:05:42 PM »
All good suggestions above.  Sugarloaf Mountain's greens were kinda ragged last week.  Victoria Hill's also good, up near Deltona.  None of these are particularly close to WDW and the sun sets by 6:30 at the latest, so late afternoon rounds can't start too late.  Last week I got around Deltona, Sugarloaf and Victoria Hills on subsequent days starting around 3:30, using a cart.  Sugarloaf was least busy.


Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 09:10:47 AM »
what does everyone think about highlands reserve in davenport?

K. Krahenbuhl

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2009, 09:44:51 AM »
what does everyone think about highlands reserve in davenport?

Definitely worth a play.  Fun course and about as good as you'll do in FL for the money.


Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2009, 11:19:48 AM »
Making my first ever family pilgrimage to Disney week after next.  I don't expect to leave the park often, BUT....if I was able to slip away for a late afternoon round what would be my best bet. 

Should I try Sugarloaf or are which of the Disney courses are recommended.  Any under the radar public courses worth giving a shot?

Pretty much any of the Disney courses are worth playing.   The Palm and the Magnolia are close to the Park.  The courses are good and late afternoon you may even get a break on the fee.

Jim Thornton

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2009, 12:37:41 PM »
Bite the bullet and take the drive over to World Woods and play Pine Barrens.  It's worth the drive.


Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2009, 01:58:18 PM »
Making my first ever family pilgrimage to Disney week after next.  I don't expect to leave the park often, BUT....if I was able to slip away for a late afternoon round what would be my best bet. 

Should I try Sugarloaf or are which of the Disney courses are recommended.  Any under the radar public courses worth giving a shot?

Pretty much any of the Disney courses are worth playing.   The Palm and the Magnolia are close to the Park.  The courses are good and late afternoon you may even get a break on the fee.
If the choice is between Palm and Magnolia then I would play the Palm by a fairly wide margin. Neither are great by any stretch, but I'd rate the Palm as the more enjoyable of the two.

I just played it a week ago and it was in nice condition and uncrowded. We played as a twosome at 9am.

cary lichtenstein

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2009, 09:07:26 PM »
The sleeper is Mission Inn, the old course, quirky, hilly and you need every club in the bag, you need to shape your shots, uneven lies, lots of fun
Live Jupiter, Fl, was  4 handicap, played top 100 US, top 75 World. Great memories, no longer play, 4 back surgeries. I don't miss a lot of things about golf, life is simpler with out it. I miss my 60 degree wedge shots, don't miss nasty weather, icing, back spasms. Last course I played was Augusta

Keith Buntrock

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2009, 09:44:18 PM »
The sleeper is Mission Inn, the old course, quirky, hilly and you need every club in the bag, you need to shape your shots, uneven lies, lots of fun

I agree with this.

Maybe 30-40 minutes northwest of WDW. The place is sort of isolated from everything else, but is worth the trip from Disney IMO.

David Neveux

Re: one round in Orlando
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2009, 10:03:01 PM »

Two buddies and myself are flying into Orlando and staying in Crystal River next Friday.  As of now I think we're going to play one round at Sugarloaf.  For me, I hate to sacrafice conditioning on such a short vacation, particularly since we are traveling from Michigan.  The course just looks so damn good and I do really enjoy C&C.  I will be happy to report back on the current state when I get back. 

We are also playing WW Pine Barrens and potentially Rolling Oaks if we can push our PB time up.  Also on the itenierary are both courses at Black Diamond, and Southern Dunes.  Again, I will be happy to pass on my thoughts. 

Cheers to no snow

