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Do triple fw holes really work?
« on: November 08, 2012, 07:18:31 AM »
On the A & M thread, I stated that it could be a fascinating theoretical discussion as to whether triple fw holes really work, perhaps using any real world examples we know of.....

So, do they?  If so, which ones are you familiar with that do (or don't work)

We did one (14th hole at Wild Wing) and the consensus was it was a little confusing to the golfers, given how many played the course for the first time or then once per year.  Too little definition, according to the pro shop guys (and to Rees Jones when he saw it)

Firekeeper has a similar hole to the A and M one depicted, but the fw are a lot tighter together, its really a 2.5 fw hole. I made the mistake of staggering the tees, and it only works best from one of them. 

In general, I believe its hard to design a hole where two fw each present an equal option, without one getting much less use over time, much less three, but its a fascinating concept.  And, I know that many of those type holes got reduced to one fw in the depression or WWII, figuring that one fw was quite enough for most holes, it ought to be enough for all holes in gas rationing, thank you very much.

I believe many, if not most multiple fw holes will meet similar fates in the next ten years.

So, what are the best 3 fw holes out there?
Jeff Brauer, ASGCA Director of Outreach

Jason Topp

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 04:04:11 PM »
Kinloch's 9th might qualify

It really is a hole with two double fairways.  I would need to play it more to form an opinion on how well it works.


Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2012, 06:45:40 PM »
Certainly #2 at Ballyhack has three separate routes off the tee.  Perhaps someone can post a photo.  It's a head scratcher the first time, partly because the huge scale of the hole - perhaps 120 yards across? - messes with your depth perception.  After that first round you have a little insight into carry distances.   Very cool hole. 

Lester George does interesting par 5s.  Kinloch #9 and Ballyhack #2, not to forget Ballyhack #15!!, are all Lester originals. 

Ronald Montesano

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2012, 02:37:56 AM »
I'll agree on the #9 hole at Kinloch, that it is a conundrum. I had a decent round going through 8, then decided to combine a wayward shot or two with complete unfamiliarity and indecision on #9. Before I knew it, I was completely lost as to how to finish the hole. I agree that it takes a playing or five of a triple fairway hole to get a sense of how to play it. I know that the "cool" factor dissipates quickly for me if the hole is unmanageable, uber-decorated or confusing in its direction.

In contrast, the 2nd at Ballyhack (also by LG) didn't phase me in the least. I attribute that to the fairway continuity. I like having the width of a football field at the start, followed by a fair amount of space to land my second shot. The challenge comes if you are going for the green in two, then around the green when you finally arrive. I played both holes within the span of a week, was striking the ball well at the time and found them to be psychologically dissimilar holes for me.
Coming in 2025
~Robert Moses Pitch 'n Putt
~~Sag Harbor
~~~Chenango Valley
~~~~Sleepy Hollow
~~~~~Montauk Downs
~~~~~~Sunken Meadow
~~~~~~~Some other, posh joints ;)

Tommy Williamsen

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2012, 03:51:32 PM »
Kinloch's 9th might qualify

It really is a hole with two double fairways.  I would need to play it more to form an opinion on how well it works.

I have played Kinloch a half dozen times and have to say that from some tees the short right fairway is unhittable unless you hit a big slice.
The 15 th at Ballyhack is a better example.  I have to admit I don't like it.  I think taking the longer route makes the hole better.  There is something that rubs me the wrong way about hit a five iron then a three wood. 
Where there is no love, put love; there you will find love.
St. John of the Cross

"Deep within your soul-space is a magnificent cathedral where you are sweet beyond telling." Rumi

Tim Gavrich

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2012, 07:50:49 PM »
I think 14 at Wild Wing is a terrific hole; one of the half-dozen best on the Grand Strand. It seems more a double- than triple-fairway hole to me, though. The angle of the main (left) fairway, though, makes the hole playable a half dozen different ways or so.

The par-5 second hole at Heritage Club in Pawleys Island is an interesting one, with the two-fairway option coming into play for the second shot. After your tee shot, you proceed pretty straight, but to the narrower of the two fairways. Or you swing out to the right. As with all the best multiple fairway holes I know of, the proper side to play from depends on the hole location.
Senior Writer, GolfPass

Jonathan Mallard

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2012, 08:22:35 PM »
Here's a photo of #2 taken by one of the competitors in the recent Saul Shootout:

Alex Lagowitz

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2012, 09:43:08 PM »
Triple fairway holes are hard to be effective.

If the strategy is clear for each fairway, I would say thats only a start.
A smart player would need to find a clear advantage for each fairway, not just two.  Thus, a triple fairway hole may actually have only two fairways that are reasonable.  If there are three viable routes then in theory it could work.

Next, usually a triple fairway hole will be dictated by the pin position.  A smart player would look at the pin position in determining where to best hit the tee shot.  However, length may be a determining factor, so if that's the case, a player of a certain length will always go the same route regardless of the pin.  Wind could change this, however.

In the end, triple fairway holes are usually a waste of space as one of the three routes is often unused.

Ronald Montesano

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2012, 01:35:44 PM »
A) cool photo

B) I don't know that #2 Hack is a triple fairway. It is much more SanAndrean than it is a fabricated triple fairway. Could you define the three fairways more for me?
Coming in 2025
~Robert Moses Pitch 'n Putt
~~Sag Harbor
~~~Chenango Valley
~~~~Sleepy Hollow
~~~~~Montauk Downs
~~~~~~Sunken Meadow
~~~~~~~Some other, posh joints ;)

Greg Clark

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2012, 02:31:51 PM »
I believe the 9th at Blackwolf Run - River technically has 3 fairways.  The middle and right fairways are more like fingers.  While I like the hole, it hasn't ever been much of a strategic choice for me.  Going for the green is just out of reach- and taking the aggressive line to the right brings the river and a tough fairway bunker into play.  In the end, if you execute, you get a SW for a second shot.  You can take the route to the wide left fairway and end up with 9 iron or PW.  Way too much risk for not enough reward IMO.  If I could hit it 330, I might feel differently.

Lester George

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2012, 10:26:22 AM »
I am not sure I would agree that number 9 at Kinloch or number 2 at Ballyhack are triple fairways as much as they may be TRIPLE OPTION holes.  With two ways to leave the tee and two or more ways to proceed from there, I think it is easy to see three or more options to play the hole. 

Anytime I get a landform like those two, I will consider using it.  I just think it adds fun to the game.  During the US Senior Amateur at Kinloch last year, I watched the 9th at Kinloch being played from multiple tees in differing weather conditions for three days.  I saw the hole played at least 6 different ways.  To me that is the mark of an interesting hole.  Hell, MacKenzie won a contest with something similar!



Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2012, 11:08:04 AM »
Greg, I agree with you on Kohler.  that hole was ballyhooed when built but I find the choices to be illusory.  Blast it left and hit a short iron.  but I find that to be true on many of Dye's designs.  For a disciplined player who cares about score, the risk is rarely commensurate with the reward on his courses.  It may not be as much "fun", but taking the conservative route in every instance results in lower scores.

Jim Sherma

Re: Do triple fw holes really work?
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2012, 01:10:33 PM »
I would think that wind would be very important for triple option holes to be effective. Given a fairly windless site one of the options should be the preferred option for any single golfer, with one of the options probably being preferred by a fairly large majority. At a windy site you could set up a set of options that would work as optimal, or at least tempting options for every golfer depending on the wind on a given day. Isn't this why the multiple options at The Old Course work so well. If the same course was at a less windy site the width would result in large bailouts but not necessarilly great strategic choices.
