Caddies are dead except for a small niche market. It is simply too expensive for 99% of golfers to justify.
My club I play at requires caddies even if you take a cart and we have a good program.
If I go and play I usually play 36. At $75 per round I spend $150 for a day of golf not including the lunch that day, a sleeve or two of balls and a glove. That is an expensive day of golf but I don't play much so when I do I treat myself.
Anyway, for the caddy he was at the course at 7:00 AM. (One hour before the first golfer heads out). He waits while I warm up and I tee off at 8:30. I'm done around 12:00, have lunch and meet my caddy back at the tee at 1:00 for another loop. I'm done around 4:30 and by the time the clubs are cleaned, put in my car and we settle up the caddy is leaving around 5:00. Assuming ten bucks for lunch and snacks, he takes home $140 bucks or $14 an hour--not exactly getting rich and he's put in 36 holes.
So I think most would say that type of golf is expensive when you do the per round math (dues plus rounds)and the caddy while receiving a very fair wage is not getting rich either. Also as an independent contractor he only gets paid when he works, has no employer health care benefits and must suffer through rain outs and many guys who don't pay well and can be a pain in the ass.
At a resort maybe a guy treats himself to a caddy or at a club that has guys willing to spend a lot of money per round for golf and are healthy enough to do so.
Mike N:
The club I own--walk anytime for free, 18 hole pull cart is $7, 9 hole pull cart is $4, (no caddies

) $50 guest fee except for juniors for whom it is $5