"There are superintendents out there, if given the choice between 20% turf loss and losing a loved one, that would hesitate and take a deep breath before making a decision.
A bit of hyperbole, but I think you catch my drift."
Is that right? That seems a bit severe with some of these superintendents!

Well, if that's the case we could sure go back to some of the habits of some of the earliest societies that got heavily into animal and human sacrifice to apparently appeal to the good graces of the Gods.
I think Scott Anderson said he would prefer not to exceed 5% turf loss annually but if you think it's up to 20% maybe you could offer yourself as a candidate for human sacrifice on the 18th green to assuage the Agronomic Gods and reduce the turf loss down to around 5%.
My suggestion, however, would be for you to undergo a complete physical first before we spill your blood and guts all over the course to see what you're made up of. What if you had too much salt in your body or you'd been ingesting pot or cocaine or heroin or some synthetic hallucinagens like LSD and Angel Dust?
I don't think Scott wants his turf and all the otherwise beneficial bugs and microbes in it to get like, you know, really high and wide!! Have you ever seen a herd of earthworms on LSD? Well, I have. Believe me it is not a pretty sight.