I use different ways to try to convince different people. I was trying to be nice to you. My 5 iron is not the best club in my bag."
Yes Sir, Mayday, I'm well aware of the ways you try to convince people. You may not suspect it but I'm actually on your side to some degree (which you may never realize and which I may not want you to realize) but when you have an hour to spare come on over here and I will explain to you some of the effectiveness of something known as "the Theory of Contrary Opinion."
In other words, with your track record of disagreement and your modus operandi of disagreement on certain things to do with architecture and Rolling Green if you actually agree (as a ploy of course) with people you've so vociferously disagreed with in the past (and actually do disagree with presently), you may find that they will change their tune just to continue to disagree with you, BUT VIOLA, you will find you have gotten exactly what you were wanting in the first place.
I know of what I speak. I have done this a few times to a person or two in a single meeting and they never even realized what had transpired (via the magical "Theory of Contrary Opinion").

Now, Mayday, this is a useful technique but I do not propose it with a total guarantee of effectiveness. I have run into some who do not fall for something of this nature and that is why I generally pack my .45 caliber pistol in my shoulder holster underneath my suit jacket. It has not been often I've had to make it known it's there or even put it on the table but that has happened in the past.
There was even an incident in what I will only describe with specificity as the southern region where someone actually called my bluff. I was sorry to see that happen but he is no more and I felt it prudent to resign from not just the club but the entire region.
I actually have a good deal of respect for your style and technique, Mayday; the fact that you pass yourself off as a peaceful Quaker is a nice touch. It's deceptive but never mind that---I still consider it a nice touch!