Palmetto went for the ultradwarf 2 years ago-
no need to overseed-just paint.
No doubt there are better modern grasses now and it makes a super's life a bit easier to eradicate the common bermuda, but I do question whether the new greens don't need to be overseeded in winter.
The problem I see it in a region where it's regularly cold at night ( 20's are common) is no growth equals a surface that eventually gets beaten up and super fast----fast and bumpy is a bad combo.
I of course understand not overseeding the first year to give the new grass a chance to establish itself.
When I heard the proposal I inquired about the fifth green which is quite severe,but playable at 8-9 (the speed palmetto's greens always were)
They assured me they would not have to alter that green.
I played there in Novemeber (they had had some cold nights)and every ball we played or putted on the 5th hole rolled back to our feet.
I'd hate to see that green in February.
Additionally the greens were quite bumpy(in fairness they are new greens)-which isn't a big deal at slower speeds, but at 11 it's rough.
I'm not an expert, but grass that isn't growing,yet bearing traffic, is going to wear down and get slick,and/or bumpy with no growth for 3-6 months.
Why waste the paint?
Yet the fairways were overseeded-so where's the savings?
I think members get sold on the greens will be fast idea and supers on the no overseed idea (which no doubt eliminates transitions), and architects on getting paid, and grass salesman on the same, and we end up with greens very different than the original
architect intended.
The good news is Rhett Baker the super is excellent and no doubt will get it all sorted out -I just hope the speed hounds don't overwhelm him.
I got my newsletter last week---the most likely option is changing the 5th green.
How about lightly overseed the greens and not the fairways?
I rarely see greens any better than we used to get on the old traditional rye overseed on dormant bermuda-or poatriviallis or bent overseed at higher end clubs.
Yet I see a lot of crappy painted greens-and crappy bent greens in the south. Forest Hills in Augusta rendered their greens unplayable by redoing and regrassing them.
I really can't remember anyone saying they weren't going back to Palmetto because the greens were too slow.

I don't mean Florida where it's only cold for a bit-I mean in the Atlanta-Augusta-regions.