David Elvins,
ANGC is a "golfer's haven/heaven", a setting where "golf" is clearly king.
Cluttering up the golf course is not in keeping with the intended presentation.
I think you'd feel very comfortable with the intended presentation for day to day play.
I think one of the really neat things about ANGC is our intimate familiarity with the golf course.
We can relate to the holes and to particular shots we've witnessed over the years, especially historically significant shots.
When you walk on the 12th green and look at the fronting slope and water, you find it hard to believe that Couples's ball didn't roll into the water. You can empathize with those golfers whose ball did, not only on # 12, but, on # 13 and # 15 as well. We know where the great shots were hit and we know where disastrous shots were hit.
The telecast, with the camera angles, etc., etc.. tends to present a "perfect" golf course.
But, when the big show leaves town, the golf course must alter the daily presentation to accomodate those who will trod its fairways. ENTER cart drivers.

Our yearly affair with ANGC has been going on for decades and will hopefully continue for decades.
I don't think any golf course has been so thoroughly exposed and scrutinized vis a vis TV broadcasts, as ANGC, thus, items that might seem inconsequential at other courses get our attention at ANGC.