As I understand it (I'm not a big participant) the Packers org., at Lambeau also have cornered the market on tailgaiting to a large extent. They lost several hundred parking places in the renovation, and I heard they now have a parking license that operates something like a ticketing seat license for season ticket holders. You have to pay extra to the Packers to get a parking license to pay 20-30 more a game to park in the stadium lot to tailgate.
I fear muni golf courses will start charging a yearly licensing fee to residents to have the privilege to pay green fees to play, or something like that. Oh yes, I forgot, Madison sells a resident fee card to pay resident fees...

Maybe 2009 will be the year of the Joe Sixpack, blowback on all this maximizing profit dollar greedy stuff and they'll vote with their feet.
BTW, where is Shefchik's book about a Packer org murder mystery? Maybe 2009 for Rick and his book...
BTW II, all this banter about big-10 big-12 etc, is about the past. Look to the future lads, its 2009. Like DiCaprio depicted H. Hughes excentric OC mantra "the way of the future.... way of the fuuutchur... whey of the fuoocher...."