I hope no one minds a question at this point. It seems to me that whenever I read one of those "Best 18" lists, every hole-in-the-sequence is very well-represented, save for the 1st.
That is, I always seem to see a whole bunch of 13th holes making the "Best 18" lists, as well as 3rd holes and 11th holes (and 14th, 4th, 16th, 8th, 17th, 5th etc etc) but rarely any 1sts. The questions:
Am I imagining this? Just need to read more lists, do I?
If I'm not imagining it, why do you think that is, i.e. why are 1st holes rarely seen as amongst the best holes in golf? I understand that they need/tend to be 'gentler', but is that across the board, and even if so, when did we become such masochists, architecturallyspeaking, that gentler became a negative word?
Has this question been discussed to death in the back pages? If so, apologies and a request to steer me in the right direction