Quite by coincidence I just posted on the 'one course for a lifetime' the same sentiment about the need for friendships and to meet new folks that share the interest and enjoyment of golf, as you have also mentioned here.
As to the other point you make, about golf I.Q., and how many of the people at your home course know Tom Doak from a can of corn, I'd have to say that there are a fair number of good to moderatly good golfers at my home course (albeit a muni with a strong men's club membership) and I would have to say (particularly in the more astute about golf, men's club, that way over half never heard of Tom Doak or would understand his significance or place in the golf course design order of things. It doen't mean I don't enjoy these people, because there are a bunch of really enjoyable people in that group. But, I can't go to them for the same connection I get on GCA.com. I suspect that is just the way it is with most broad groups of golfer's knowledge of this subject and the people in the field that make it interesting.