"But, again, I think true greatness stems from inherent artistic talent."
Jeff - I think that's getting to the heart of your question (or at least to one aspect of it). I tend to agree with you, but I've been told by working professionals in at couple of fields that this is an idealistic and romantic and naive view. They're probably right -- but then again, no working professional I know really wants to talk or think too much about "inherent artistic talent"...it raises too many messy questions

And then, of course, it probably has something to do with what a would-be professional is really striving for, i.e. is it to be a good craftsman and make a decent living at something he likes doing? (which I think is an admirable and worthwhile goal and notable achievement) Or is it, like it probably was for FLW, to go further than that, and to manifest new ideas and bring genius into concrete form?
The latter is some pretty big fish to fry...and I guess in that attempt, very few rules or precedents apply