I wonder if it would be beneficial to throw "remodels" in the mix with "new".
Then, at least, you are considering the quality of the courses side by side, which should eliminate some of the questions around relevance of a remodel that has gone from a 9 to 7 or even 8 to 8. They simply will not register on the radar and the "essence" of what the "new" rankings are going after will still be maintained (
Thanks to all who have contributed to this discussion, it has actually been quite interesting getting perspectives from various parties in the business.
While rankings are not the be all and end all, they are obviously important for GCAs and the marketing of new courses, so at the end of the day, the more the playing field can be leveled across contenders, the better for all (maybe most) involved (including the consumer).
The "new" course ranking are much more significant than the "Top 100" because most of the elite courses already have tremendous street cred, whereas the "new" courses are just building a business and trying to get on the very competitive golf course radar.