Dan - The obvious fill-in there is Kentucky. Sheeesh.
George - Interesting epistemological questions you raise. From whence the "analytic" truths of mathematics has been debated for millennia. My guess is that the golf club atlas crew is not going to solve it this weekend.
If you are raising the same question in the context of gca, my guess is the same. Us nut cases aren't going to be able to wrestle than issue to the ground either.
Still, let's play with some questions. If you don't mind, I'll start.
It's difficult to imagine a world in which 2 + 2 didn't equal 4. Right?
It's also difficult to imagine a world in which, say, the Redan concept in gca is a bad one. Right? I mean, what sort of world would that be?
Is that the same kind of difficulty or a different kind?
Let's try a different sort of question. It is difficult to imagine I could have married a woman than the one I actually married.
I think that is a different kind of difficulty from the two above. Why?
I just deleted a couple long paragraphs. Things got too philosophical and not golf design related. Cutting to the chase, the issues you raise and those raised by my questions above force you to dive into deeper waters than we know how to swim in very well. I can, however, provide a reading list of people who did swim in those waters over the last two thousand years or so.