You mentioned, "Phil, Every time a flood of evidence comes forth linking "Far and Sure", "Hazard", and "Tillinghast" as synonymous, you seem to disappear for awhile..."
First of all, there hasn't been a single occasion where either a "flood of evidence" or ANY evidence has come along "linking "Far and Sure", "Hazard", and "Tillinghast" as synonymous"!

As far as disappearing goes... at least one of us needs to have a semblance of a life...
And as for letting me off "easy..." if you've been "easy" so far I believe I'm now terrified...
You next mentioned, "The other day on another thread you posted something Tillinghast had written around 1914 where he vigorously lobbied for architecture that is made to look as natural as possible, achieved through the blending of artificial features with natural ones... And you're right....in those early days there were almost no architects who saw things in those terms. Most were just trying to get places built to play golf and the results showed..."
Mike, if you're going to quote me and try to use it against me, at least quote me properly and with the correct understanding. I did NOT state that "in those early days there were almost no architects who saw things in those terms.." (refering to designing courses with Nature in mind), it was in fact the exact OPPOSITE!
I pointed out to Tom that Tilly had written some 12 years bfeore Mackenzie's letter to Maxwell the very same idea that Nature was far better than artificial when it comes to golf course design. In fact my exact comment never mentions anything about other architects. I quoted Tilly's writing when I wrote, "It is not to claim precedence for Tilly as the man who recognized this "truth" but rather to note that for a number of years back then, the idea of designing courses to represent features found in nature was important to a number of architects, and as tilly wrote above, "golfers of the present..."
You see, I stated that tilly wasn't the first to think this way, that others, including architects, also did, and that TILLY HIMSELF AGRRED with this thought because he wrote that "Golfers of the present" recognied and demanded this in new courses of the day...
So when you use two quotes from F&S & Hazard that are 6 months apart and one uses the word "natural" and the other "naturally" this is unique because only Tilly was saying this?
Again, others were saying it and it is only natural that other golf writers would as well!
That is the problem with your so-called "coincidences" in similarity in articles. They aren't that similar and both men were at many of the same courses, tournaments and with the same major Philly area golf guys.
You stated, "Also Phil...I'm perplexed where this name H.H. Cornish came from. We can't even view samples of his writing." Yes you can and yes you have.
You asked, "How did you come upon the name? Did you run into it in "American Cricketer?" No, as you should have been able to tell in what I wrote, I ran across it in Tilly's column writing as "Hazard" who, and correct me if I'm wrong, YOU have quoted quite often in the pages of GCA.COM in many a discussion citing his word as something to decide a matter on, for example the Merion discussion. (Don't worry, that's as close as I'll get to mentioning it on this thread!

You state above that you can't find any of his writings as if to say that he must not have been someone of note in Philly sports & golf writing circles, yet it is Tilly himself who recognized him as "the NEWSPAPER MAN... the lamented golfer an journalist.” It was Tilly who stated how, "For a period he assisted in the preparation of editorial matter for magazines and publications affiliated with the games he loved so well…”
Just because you haven't seen his name above an article doesn't mean you haven't read his work, especially since he was the SPORTING EDITOR at a number of journals in the Philadelphia area at the time. If you disagree with this you are calling tilly a liar and then calling into question the veracity of all other things he reported on including those that you use as proof of your other convictions...
You also stated, "Maybe he was "Joe Bunker"? Have you considered that?"
Yes I have... Maybe he was, but there is no way to prove that at this point... One thing we both know is that Tilly wasn't "Joe Bunker" and he certainly didn't write as "Far and Sure" in the pages of the American Golfer...
Time for one of those "real life breaks" so please don't think I am hiding from you!