You commented and asked, "However, wasn't it in that Far and Sure article the writer said he was a sporting editor at two newspapers, or was it journals. I can't seem to find that article. The American Cricketer and Country Club Life were not newspapers, were they?"
Well yes, they were, but then again when the argument was being raised that Tilly was F&S and the point about being editor at two papers was mentioned, it was pointed out that Tilly was the Golf Editor at the American Cricketer.
So if this eliminates Mr. Cornish it most certainly eliminates tilly for the very same reason. In addition, we don't know if Cornish was Sports Editor at any of the newspapers in philly, though we do know that he wrote for a number of them.
Mike, you noted, "However, I don't see Mr. Cornish listed among the attendees at the 1912 GAP Annual Dinner, which "Far and Sure" gave a very personal eyewitness account of..."
I am well aware of this, but take another look at the article. Where in it does "Far and Sure" state that HE WAS PRESENT? He doesn't. Now that doesn't mean that he wasn't either. He might have decided not to include his name as an attendee, or he may not have even been presentT
Up till now you have concluded that whoever wrote that article MUST have attended. Knowing H.H. Cornish's background relationships shows that it wouldn't necessarily be so. He knew everyone who was present. In fact, because of the WORK THAT HE DID for GAP he would surely have been an invitee. if he hadn't gone then he surely would have inquired about the goings on. The reports of what occurred at the dinner would have been quite easy for him to obtain in his normal course of things; this includes hearing about and getting copies of the poems that Tilly entertained one and all with.
You mentioned, "This also doesn't explain about another 4,790 amazing coincidences between Tillinghast and "Far and Sure" including the most recent I posted where "Far and Sure" told about the work ongoing at Philly CC and how he would be doing a review soon, only to be followed by "Hazard" writing exactly the same thing shortly thereafter and then doing the review..."
I'm sorry Mike, but these "coincidences" are merely that and, in my opinion, what you perceive to be near identical reporting by these two really isn't. Take a long look again and you will see where the items and facts mentioned are often quite different from each other and the only thing that is the same is either the course or the people involved. That he would write on similar topics at the same time as Tilly did is no mystery or even coincidence but the natural order of things. Writers write about what interest them and especially golf writers do. When they are local to the same region and even city, especially one that had few great courses and tournaments during the years 1908-1912 when "Far and Sure" wrote for AG then it should come as no surprise when big news about clubs such as Merion, Pine Valley, Shawnee and yes, the Philadelphia Country Club are written by more than one person at the same time. That similar articles share similar information is to be expected and is not a coincidence...
In addition, Cornish hathered the information about clubs, tournament results and people for the GAP, local Philadelphia area newspapers, etc... and regularly SHARED this information with others including Tilly...