While we meet (by ink) on this DG to discuss golf architectural features, courses and conditions, it serves a second purpose allowing internet introductions that often lead to personal ones. Often we are satisfied, sometimes disappointed and on rare occasions.....pleasantly surprised.
Although our fourth, (a prominent NJ-based Moron) had to bail out at the last minute up with altogether too well described dental issues

, I was fortunate yesterday to host two very fine young gentlemen, Benjamin Littman and Jon Cavalier ,for 36 holes.
These two guys, despite their legal degrees

, were among the finest, most appreciative and fun folks I've met from these boards in years. That's not a knock on any other GCA'ers I've had the good fortune to share a good walk spoiled with, but it is refreshing to find relative newcomers who comport themselves in a fashion we should all strive to emulate. Again, too bad Pat wasn't able to join us.....even he could've learned a few things from a pair of fine fellows half his age!
Have a great holiday weekend everyone!