It seems there is a God. While preparing for the pleasure of listening to Ramma Jamma at the end of the LSU ala game Saturday I ran intotwo guys from Seattle/Tacoma. They wanted to talk golf whihc was music to my ears that day. Oh Ramma Jamma is a catchie little tune sung by the band and fans a bad winner named dead bear u that goes as follows Hey Tigers Hey Tigers we just beat the hell out of you. We just beat the Hell out of you. Yes it goes on for say 7 or so painful verses. Anyway these guys were there to see real college football and being Washington grads i understood their problem. Both played Chambers often and loved it but are very tired of how hard it is to maintain the greens. It seems they are very long for much of the year now. They certainly were when I was there in July. Bandon has some green maintenace issues when they get over 40,000 rounds. Is fesue a good green surface for year round play in large numbers?