Man me and you have to have a heart to heart over some scotch. Granted you are in london so I will cut you some slack
Now I know it really does not pertain to my group but from where you are on that side of the globe you can't tell me there is not a course that is public (access wise) that you would not go to. If i'm wrong than please give me your definition of "holiday". I'm starting to think it has nothing to do with golf, not that that's a bad thing just not my thing
.. Having just enjoyed my first trip to Ireland I know if I was in london I would hop on a plane to shannon for lahinch or belfast for ballylifin even if it was just for one of them. So again if you want to stick to your side of the pond be my guest and renew my faith in you and give me something, anything!!! lol.....
You changed the goal posts a bit by including privates that allow visitor play. To me this isn't the same thing at all because the atmosphere at a private course even if it allows visitors is very, very different from a public course.
To throw you a bone, I could definitely see driving up to St Andrews only to play TOC for a few days, but chucking in access to the Royal & Ancient would certainly seal the deal. Offhand, I can't think of another public in the UK I would do that for. Having said that, and despite my hatred of flying, I would take a trip up to Dornoch to play in the Carnegie Shield, but I digress as Dornoch is not a public course.
Stateside, even though Pasa is probably the single biggest pull for me as a stand alone public, I wouldn't go there without at the very least having some tourista stuff scheduled as well. It just isn't worth the hassle for me to fly out there to play one course a handful of times. Besides, I promised myself many moons ago that I wouldn't go to California (I have never been) unless CPC was on the cards! I have been told that this is very possible a few years back and I still have made no moves - call me lazy, call me crazy, just don't call me Masie.
In a very real way I am spoiled for choice where I live. Using my general rule of thumb not to travel more than the time it takes to play golf, have a few drinks and a bite to eat (call it 6 hours round trip), for a day trip, I can reach places like Saunton, Brancaster, Birkdale, any London area course and many, many more great courses. So perhaps I don't feel a need to go through the hassle of getting on a plane to play golf. As I said earlier, if I am going to seriously travel, with few exceptions in the public arena (actually one - TOC) there has to be a more compelling reason other than a single golf course. Its only a game dude.