Sean Arble,
How is the project that much different from what exists at Pebble Beach ?
Spanish Bay ?
I don't know what Pebble or Spanish Bay were like before they were developed. I also don't know if these sites were in anyway different or how much of that sort of land exists. In any case, I think the point of legal protection, which SSS1 is meant to ensure, is to preserve the land and the habitats it provides in as close to a pristine state as we can. Land can have instrinsic value regardless of its value as a potential development. The debate obviously centres around how much compromise between conservation and economic development is reasonable. This clearly depends on the site in question. A previous government saw fit to accept a designation of SSS1 for the Foveran Links precisely to protect it from the sort of development Trump proposes. The current government obviously believes the tradeoff is worth the destruction of a unique British site. Of course, this sort of decision-making smacks of "well how much do you have, because its all for sale for the right price".
Personally, I think it is short sighted and throwing around the idea of people getting the chance to own their own homes is about a silly reason for this sort of development as you have ever come up with. We are talking about very few "starter" type homes in this project and many more second/holiday home/sell a home and move to this location. So lets drop the idea of homes for masses right now. In effect what is happening is that a protected site is being destroyed so wealthy people can live/holiday in a beautiful spot around a golf course. Lord knows Scotland doesn't need another golf course and it doesn't need homes or for the wealthy. So that just leaves the jobs that will be generated. I would like to see the breakdown of permanent job creation this project will generate. In fact, I would like to see any numbers on this project other than Trump's. From the economic PoV, all I have seen are the numbers Trump offered. At the very least, we should get numbers from an independent third party. Otherwise, how are we to know what sort of value this project really offers?
In any case, other than knowing that this wonderful site will be destroyed, I am just as peeved with the government for going back on their promise (SSS1 is a promise) and how they went about this whole deal. It further goes to show how these mealy mouthed SOBs can't be trusted and how much money is wasted in the pretense of local government decision-making, planning regulation and environmental protection. One arm doesn't know what the other is doing so it costs me money. I have no time for these blighters.