"On the PRC thread, George said there was never any intention to ever put a hole location on the front part of even a "full" Biarritz green and his !!!!!!!!!!!!! attached to that observation implies 100% endorsement thereof. I think it was Tom Doak who responded that a front section flagstick makes sense to him if there is a hazard in front of the green as at The Creek, Yale and Fishers Island (but not at Piping and, in the context of this thread, not at Somerset Hills)."
Wait a minute here. Have you read the next few posts on your thread following the one you refer to above of GeorgeB's? If not, I think you should. It looks like a remarkable piece of information just turned up sort of out of the blue from The Creek's George Holland (who when he found it was definitely not thinking about front section green space on Biarritzes).
I think we all on here and elsewhere may defer to George Bahto when it comes to comprehensive knowledge on Macdonald and Raynor and their courses, but I'm sorry (and I'm sorry to GeorgeB too) but I, for one, am not about to defer to anyone on here, even George Bahto, that Biarritzes never had front section green space when we now have clear evidence from Devereaux Emmet who was at Piping in 1913 that the front section on Piping Rock's #9 Biarritz sure as hell was green space. It appears from his description that it may've even been a separate green immediately in front of the green and green space beyond the swale which may not have exactly been green space.
Devereux Emmet was there and he saw it and wrote about it in 1913 and I'm pretty sure none of us were capable of doing that, not even GeorgeB or me!

As for Somerset Hills's #13, I have no idea but I like that hole and green a lot and when last there I checked that green and saw a whole bunch of old hole replacements in that swale all in a line!