Your question has prompted me to go back through some of my clippings from his Australian trip. I've found an article from The Leader newspaper (Melb) of Nov 20 1926 entitled "Famous American Course" where he discusses NGLA in some detail (suggestive of him taking some detailed notes), also mentioning Pine Valley and Lido in the process. Here it is:

He also talks about The Lido in an article he wrote for The Herald of November 10 1926 about Royal Adelaide, saying that,
"Just dwell upon this for a moment: One club in America, the Lido Golf Club, spent $900,000 (180,000pounds) in an endeavour to construct features of this description which have almost been entirely disregarded at Seaton. And here nature has been kind enough to provide them free of cost!"
So I think we can take it that he visited both NGLA and Lido while in New York, and also took in Pine Valley most probably when he visited Melrose with Maxwell.
I have never thought of the Mackenzie-Russell combination in those defense/offense terms - very insightful. There is a Mackenzie article on the use of camouflage as an offensive tool as well, so he wasn't purely thinking in defensive terms.