Tom MacWood--To define when modern golf architecture began, I would say that we must first define exactly what (your, since this is an opinionated question) modern architecture is, exactly. To my definition, modern architecture would be of the style used today, where large scale irrigation operations are in place, large scale earth moving, and the 'creation' of golf courses. Given this, and based on how courses are designed today, I would say that 'modern' architecture started around maybe 1950. Unless we want to define golf architecture like Literature and divide into modern and post-modern periods, which just sounds foolish. Of course, if we want to define modern in the context of the likings of those on this site (i.e. minimalism) that 'modern' period started sometime around 1995. So, please Tom, tell what you define as "modern" and the rest of us will be able to tell you when it began.